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Exercise: 11 benefits of regular physical activity

Doing physical activity can make you feel good about yourself from inside and outside both. Exercise can reduce the risk of heart diseases. It can alleviate depression, anxiety and exercise can boost your immune system as well. Studies show that people who are doing physical activity on a daily basis are healthier than a non- exerciser. Physical activity can improve your health and your mental state as well. It’s in the researches that doing exercise gives you strength to manage cancers, heart diseases, depression and type 2 diabetes. Many people take gym sessions to improve heart health or to stay fit. Yes, it is a good option to build muscles and great body but hitting the gym is not only the last option left for you. You can go for yoga, dancing, aerobic classes and many other activities by which you can stay fit. Regular exercise helps you to maintain your weight and minimize stress. If you don’t have enough time to exercise, you can go for walking. This is one of the best ways to keep your heart and body fit. 30 minutes of walking is equal of 1 session of gym. That’s why today I am going tell you about 12 health benefits of regular exercise.

1. Manage weight- Exercise can manage your weight and makes you healthy. When you do exercise your calories will burn easily. The more you do exercise the more your calories will burn. Study shows that doing physical activities can easily manage your weight. But sometimes it will give you 100% result and sometimes not. The more you exercise the more accurate results you will get.

2. Improve your heart health- No matter what your present weight is, you can manage your heart health by doing physical activities. Regular exercise can reduce high blood pressure and manage your cholesterol in your blood vessels. It is one of the effective ways by which diabetic patient can manage their symptoms especially diabetic type 2 patients. Regular activities increase your body’s ability of using insulin to control glucose levels in your body. Benefits of regular exercise to prevent heart risk are

  • Exercise increases tolerance

  • Reduce your body weight

  • Reduce your blood pressure

  • Reduce your bad cholesterol

  • Increase good cholesterol

  • Increase insulin to control glucose levels.

3. Improve mood swings- Aerobic classes and dancing is not the only meaning of exercise. Yes, by doing this you can manage your health and weight, but it is not enough to motivate people to add physical activities to their daily schedule. Studies show that doing regular activities can give you better sleep, energy and also sharpen memory. If you walk for about 30 minutes, that can simulate your brain chemicals and make you feel relaxed.

4. Boost energy- Physical activity can increase endorphins levels in your body. Endorphins are your body’s natural hormones and they can be released automatically when you do any physical activity. Try to include exercise in your day to day schedule as this will make you more fit and energetic

5. Reduce stress- Doing physical activities can increase your body’s ability to use oxygen and improve your blood flow. These changes make a big effect on your brain. Regular exercise increases your endorphins which are responsible of making you feel good. By doing physical activities you can make your mind stress free. If you concentrate on your exercise movements, you can learn the basic steps of meditation while working out.

6. Reduce anxiety-Anxiety is a mental health condition. Anxiety is more than the feeling of stress and worry. In this condition you will always feel under pressure. If you do any physical activity on a regular basis, there are more chances to reduce your anxiety. Exercise is the basic step to control anxiety. Regular exercising can give you mental strength so that you can stay calm in difficult situations.

7. Stops being addicted to bad things- If you are addicted to something like alcohol, smoking and any other things and want to quit, you can choose the option of exercise. Whether it is alcohol or it is smoking, you can remove the addiction easily. If you want to leave any addiction, you have to maintain your diet first. Because diet plays an important role in this type of situations.

8. Promotes better sleep- Study shows that 10 minutes of aerobic class can give you the best sleep in nights rather than cycling. Especially when you take its session on a regular basis. Doing regular physical activities can throw out your stress and pain and this is the main reason of ruining your sleep.

9. Reduce aches and pains- Exercise can make smooth movement of your muscles. This makes your bones straight. And also equally circulate your blood throughout your body. If you have chronic pain and you can’t get rid of that, I suggest you to start this. This will definitely give you effective results but before starting any physical activities consult your doctor.

10. Give you more flexibility- I know everyone is flexible enough but, regular exercise can make your bones and muscles more fixed as it is on their own place. Yoga and stretching can make your body more flexible and bendy. You can boost your energy and flexibility by warming up and cooling down with foam roller exercise.

11. Exercise is fun- Above all the benefits exercise can be fun. It will become easier for you if you like doing this. Keep pushing yourself to do more and try to do the things you have never done before. Doing physical activity is like adding some extra age in your lifespan. So, try to do exercise on a regular basis.

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